1995 New Year's resolutions
(found on a napkin somewhere)
- I will learn to touch type
- I will never, ever write my own OS ever again
- I will stop reinventing the wheel and use libraries
- I will swear off complex pointers
- I will stop betting that "I can do that in one line of C"
- I will learn to use in-line assembly sparingly
- I will learn to use a real debugger instead of printf's
- I will stop calling hardware engineers "weenies"
- I will stop saying "It's gotta be the hardware"
- I will restrict version numbers to 5 decimal digits
- I will go to "Beta" with something that actually works
- I will stop saying "We can always go back and optimize"
- I will think first before committing a "quick fix"
- I will stop patching the unfixable
- I will remember that small is beatiful and restrict my functions to 1 or 2 screens
- I will stop turning everything into an object
- I will really learn C++
- I will stop trying to beat the source control system
- I will design first, then code